Sinclair Park Community Center
Home of the Sinclair Park Panthers

Sinclair Park Community Centre realizes that there are a lot of questions that our sports parents have, especially this year. In an effort to make things easier for our families, we have complied a list of answers to the questions that we are asked most frequently. We hope that you find this page useful and informative.
Q: What days are games?
A: We don't know yet. The Provincial Public Health Orders currently prohibit tournament style games, which prevents us from running games on more than one field at a time. This is something that we are hoping is changed in the upcoming PHO. If we can run games on more than one field at a time, games will be played on Monday and Wednesday. If we can only operate one field at a time, games could be any day between Monday and Saturday, to accommodate two games a week, per team.
Q: What time are games?
A: The 4/5/6 teams will play from 6:00 - 7:00 PM. The 7/8/9 teams will play from 7:15 - 8:15 PM.
Q: Where are games being played?
A: All games will be played at Sinclair Park Community Centre (490 Sinclair Street). Fields will be located on the West side of the building.
Q: My child turns four after May 1st. Am I able to register my child for mini soccer?
A: Unfortunately, only players who will be four as of May 1st are eligible to register. We know that this may be inconvenient, but we value the safety of the children very highly, and it is simply not safe for a three year old to be playing with a child that will shortly be turning seven.
Q: Can I request that my child play on a team with specific people?
A: Requests for teams cannot be accommodated this year. We will do our best to have siblings play on the same team, and requests due to carpool situations will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. We cannot accommodate any other requests for specific players to be placed together this year.
Q: Will there be access to the building? What about washrooms?
A: As of right now, building access is not something that we are able to offer for any reason. The Provincial Public Health Orders limit the number of people that can be in the facility, and the reasons why people are permitted entry. Public usage is not allowed at this point in time, and this does include washrooms. Please ensure that your children have used the washroom before coming to the soccer field, because we cannot make exceptions to the law to allow washroom access.
Q: What will cause game/season cancelations?
A: Game cancelations will be primarily caused by the weather. Games will NOT run in the snow, pouring rain, or thunderstorms, or if temperatures are below freezing. Games WILL be played if it is lightly raining, foggy, or chilly. Season cancelations will happen for one of four reasons, listed below:
1) The Province of Manitoba does not allow outdoor children's sports.
2) We do not get enough children registered to run the program.
3) We do not have enough parents willing to be coaches.
4) There is a confirmed case of Covid-19 among the children or parents.
Q: How will I know if a game or the season is canceled?
A: An email will be sent to all parents to inform them of game cancelations, and there will be posts on our Facebook page and our website. If the season is canceled, an email will also be sent out, in addition to the website update and Facebook posts. If the season is canceled due to a confirmed Covid-19 case, all parents of children who have been in contact with the confirmed case will be contacted individually by both phone and email.
Q: Why will the season be canceled if parents cannot coach?
A: The season will be canceled if we don't have parent volunteers to coach the teams because it means that there simply won't be coaches for the team. Coaches are a volunteer position. They are not hired, and they are not paid. Mini soccer programs rely on parents as coaches, because there would be no other way to run low cost sports programs for our families.
Q: What is involved with coaching? What do I need to know?
A: Not much! Coaching at the mini soccer level is very easy. For the 4/5/6 level, we simply need parents to be on the field, and making sure that the children are not kicking each other instead of the ball or running onto the roads. At the younger level, they don't even have to worry about lines on the fields! At the 7/8/9 level, there is not much required either. The only difference is that if the ball crosses the lines, the children must overhead throw the ball back into the game. That's it! That's all we need our coaches to do!
Q: My child wants to try out for AA or AAA baseball. Why do I have to register them at the A level?
A: All children are required to register at the A level before trying out for AA or AAA baseball. It ensures that the child will still be able to be placed on a team should they not make it into AA or AAA.
Q: Why does my child have to attend practices? Is it mandatory?
A: Practices help players develop skills and build trust between team members. Practices are essential for the team to learn to play together, and to foster good safety practices for playing baseball.
Q: What equipment does my child need to have?
A: It depends on the age level. All children are required to have their own baseball helmet with a chin strap, baseball glove, and a baseball cap. For this year, each child is required to have their own bat, due to Covid-19 protocols. Protective devices for the groin, such as a cup (also know as a Jock or Jill) are recommended for Grand Slam players and are required for players in 11U and up. For 11U and up, baseball shoes with plastic cleats are required. Under NO circumstances are shoes with metal cleats allowed. Sweat pants are mandatory at all ages; Shorts and jeans are not allowed.
Q: Why do parents need to coach the teams?
A: Community Centres strive to offer low-cost programming for families and children. In order to do this, we require the assistance of the parents. Coaches are a volunteer position. They are not hired, and they are not paid. Baseball programs rely on parents as coaches, because there would be no other way to run low cost sports programs for our families.
Q: Why is my child being transferred to another team?
A: Transfers can happen for two reasons; An insufficient number of registrations at the home Community Centre, or a lack of parents willing to coach a team. A Community Centre must generally have more than 50% of the players on a team in order to host it. The only exception to this is if a parent from a Community Centre with fewer numbers steps up to coach, and a parent from the larger group does not.
Q: Can I request that my child be transferred to another team?
A: Unfortunately, requests for transfer cannot be accommodated. Parents are more than welcome to indicate a preferred location should their child be required to transfer, but children will not be transferred off of a Sinclair Park hosted team to one of another Centre. Transfers to a particular Centre cannot be guaranteed under any circumstances.
Q: What if I do not want my child to be transferred?
A: Parents do have the ability to decline for their child to be transferred to another team. That being said, there are consequences that may arise from that decision. If Sinclair Park cannot host a team and parents do not want their child to be transferred, the child will not be placed on a team and will be unable to play baseball this year.
Q: What if my child is not placed on the team that we wanted?
A: Transfers are not something that can be guaranteed. Even if Sinclair Park does not host a team at your child's level, we can make no promises of having your child placed on a specific team. If you are picky about what team your child plays on, please ensure that we are made aware of this in advance. Once your child is placed on a team, there are no refunds if the family decides that they do not want to play for that team. Once a child is placed on a team, they are a part of that team for the rest of the year. Sinclair Park cannot authorize refunds on behalf of another Centre.