Sinclair Park Community Center
Home of the Sinclair Park Panthers

Open Gym Basketball
Rules for Open Gym:
- No food or drink is allowed in the gym, other than bottles with sealable lids. Most fast food coffee cups do not have sealable lids! The canteen is open, and water bottles are available for $1.50 each. Please be aware that the canteen is CASH ONLY.
- Please bring your own basketballs. Sinclair Park does not have balls to loan out, nor can we guarantee that we have a pump to fill your ball. We wish we could, but our basketballs and pumps seem to have developed a habit of walking away on us.
- Please ensure that you bring a pair of indoor shoes for open gym. Outdoor shoes must be left on the mat outside of the gym.
- Please do NOT yell at our staff, for any reason. Anyone found to be yelling or being aggressive towards the staff will be asked to leave.