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  • Sinclair Park

Rally Cap Baseball

Baseball registration is on!

We will be running our own, in-house Rally Cap program this year.

All games will be played at Sinclair Park, at 490 Sinclair Street. Our teams will NOT be travelling to other centres in the north district.

We will require two things to run this program; a minimum of 18 players, and some parents who are willing to volunteer for one hour, twice a week to help coach.

Games will be played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 6 to 7pm. We hope for a May 2nd start date, but that will depend on the fields and diamonds being dry enough to play on. The program will run for eight weeks. It is not anticipated that we will play rain out games, but if enough families agree to add a couple of extra games, we are happy to comply.

The Rally Cap Program is baseball’s initiation program, and is designed to enhance players’ and coaches’ first experience with the game. The program helps teams teach players the five FUNdamentals of baseball in a fun and safe environment.

The format involves three teams of six players that meet at the park at the same time. Two teams play a 20 minute game, while one team practices in the outfield. Every 20 minutes they switch, so that each team plays offense and defense, and has one practice in the one hour session.

This format will be adjusted if we get less than 18 players. Each team will then have at total of 25 minutes in the field and batting, with a 10 minute break.

Rally Cap Program Goals

1. Create a fun environment in which children and adults are actively engaged together in the game of baseball. 2. Develop fundamental motor skills, teach baseball skills, and basic rules to our players. 3. Experience success with an emphasis on good sportsmanship. 4. Promote increased self-esteem among Rally Cap children and adults. 5. Recruiting new coaches and volunteers

If your child will be 4 as of May 1st, 2023 and is no older than 7 by December 31st, 2023, and want to have a fun time learning how to play baseball, this is the program for them. The program is open to all children born between January 1st, 2016 and May 1st, 2019.

The cost for the program will be $94.00, including all fees and taxes. This includes the $14.00 Field Usage fee that goes to the City of Winnipeg. The registration fee also includes the windup, which will be held in conjunction with our Canada Day festivities on July 1st, 2023. Each player will receive a free wristband, as well as a free hot dog meal from the BBQ area.

We will be doing in-person registrations from Monday - Thursday, starting on April 3rd. Registrations can be taken from noon to 6pm. We accept cash, debit, Visa, and Mastercard payments. We do NOT accept cheques as a form of payment. You must also bring your child's health care card with you.

There will be a couple of weekend dates available to register, with dates to be announced next week.

As we are a Jumpstart affiliated community centre, we will provide qualifying families with information on how to apply for Jumpstart subsidy .

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