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Sports Rentals

Sinclair Park

We have been receiving multiple messages from people inquiring about sports rentals. While we are offering them, we do not have anything available for this week. We do not know what we will have available after that, because it depends on what the Province of Manitoba releases in their upcoming Public Health order. Once we have the PHO, we will be releasing more dates.

Here's how booking for the next three weeks (March 29th to April 18th) is going to go.

1) We will be posting all available dates here and on our Facebook page, Sinclair Park Community Centre . Available dates will be released on the evening of either March 26th or March 27th, depending on when we receive the Provincial Public Health Orders. Dates will not be released before then.

2) Interested parties will need to send an email to to inquire about their desired time slots. No other method of communication will be allowed. We are not in the office on Friday or Saturday, so phone calls will not be responded to until Sunday evening. Facebook messages are not regularly monitored.

3) Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis. Dates will go quickly, so please don't delay in sending us an email!

4) We will be limiting the number of dates that one group or individual can book. We want to give more people the chance to book a space, since we know that they are limited right now. Groups can choose to either book for one time slot, or for up to three individual dates.

Time Slot: If the group wants to book one time slot, they would get the three dates that occur with that time slot. For example, a group that books a 7:00 - 9:00 PM time slot on Tuesdays would have that slot for March 30th, April 6th, and April 13th. Multiple time slots cannot be booked by the same group.

Individual Dates: If the group wants three individual dates, they could book a 7:00 - 9:00 PM slot on a Wednesday, a 3:30 - 5:30 PM slot on a Monday, and a 4:30 - 6:30 slot on a Sunday. Groups cannot book more than three individual dates over the three week time period.

5) ALL of the dates and times that we have available will be listed. If you don't see the date or time that you want, it means that it is not available. We promise that we aren't hiding dates and times from you guys. Inquiring about dates and times that aren't listed isn't going to go anywhere, unfortunately. The response to your email will be "We're sorry, but the date that you are requesting is unavailable."

6) The cost for booking a two hour time slot is $63.00, and three hour slots are $94.50. We are not booking for one hour time slots at this point.

7) Dates must be paid for in advance. This can be done either with a credit card over the phone, or by arranging a time to come down in person to pay either in cash or by debit. Dates booked on either Friday or Saturday will be held until Monday, pending payment. We don't want to take dates away from genuinely interested parties, but we have had a rash of groups not showing up to their booked time slots. These are spaces that we could have given to another interested group. We want to make sure that our space is being utilized properly, and that means that we have to ask for advance payment. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Questions can be sent to . We will endeavor to answer all questions within 24 hours. Please be aware that emailing us regarding available dates will not yield any results. We genuinely do not know what we will have available yet.

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